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Is there a book available for building pdfs?

8 - Asteroid

I have racked my brain trying to build a workflow with pdfs that have differing snippet structures to no avail. I am so new to this that it is even difficult to know how to phrase what I need.


Can someone please tell me if there is a book available that will show me all I need to know to build pdfs? I have searched the forum, watched suggested videos, done all the interactive lessons and I am still stuck

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @SDJ57,

Perhaps it would be a good idea to break down your question a bit. To output a table to PDF for instance all you need is the reporting tools specifically the table and render tool:


You can add headers, footers and images before hand with their respective tools and add a layout tool to say how you want everything arranged. The reporting videos should have covered this: Interactive Lessons - Alteryx Community


Any questions or issues please ask

Ira Watt
Technical Consultant 



8 - Asteroid

Hi @IraWatt, I am able to successfully build pdfs that have header, tables, notes, pull data into the tables and all snippets, as long as they are of the same snippet structure. But I need to be able to create multiple variations of these reports per item. I can build them individually, but when I try to bring them all together, I lose pagination. 

8 - Asteroid

The solution is to use section breaks in the render tool.
