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Is it possible to automatically update a URL (Link destination)in the interface designer?

7 - Meteor



I have a set of workflows which are run a few hundred times each month. Before each month I have to edit the interface section for the URL as it changes to reflect the previous month. 


Is it possible to push some automated code in to this which looks up which month is it, and amends the URL accordingly in the interface designer - I'm thinking that most of the URL is text so i can just create it with an '+' but i don't see any way of pushing this into the interface as it's hard coded.



11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

100% look into the datetime formulas you can use the likes of datetimetoday() to get 2022-10-26 for example or datetimefirstofmonth() to get 2022-10-01 then the datetimeformat(x,x,x) to get it into the format you need for the url.


And if you want it to appear in the interface you can populate your interface from the data within the workflow 

7 - Meteor

Thanks so much for responding


I think I can do the first bit - any guidance on the second bit would be appreciated

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

can you send a screenshot of the interface you are working with, I can try put together an example for you :)

7 - Meteor

SS attached - thank you!


The URL is:



And the part with the date in is: "period_val=2022-09-01" which will change by 1 month of course!

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Ah, I took it as interface tools, not interface designer that was being updated. If it still something you can edit, but not as clean in workflow.

Personally I would create a workflow to update the XML of the interface designer properties and have that run on schedule at the beginning of the month.


That would look something like this, a workflow that brings in the alteryx file, a formula to identify the xml line that the link exists on, the info in the linkdest tags will be start off as what you have hardcoded, but it would need to be dynamic going forward, like in the second image.




Hope this helps, was an interesting problem to figure out :)


