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Install a third party API Library into Alteryx?

10 - Fireball



Postman allows one to download and install a third party's API library, for example Microsoft Graph; Box; PureCloud just to name a few. Does Alteryx Designer allow this as well? 


Reason I'm asking is because there is a particular API I am running against PureCloud that requires a specific authorization token that allows a report on PureCloud to be modified. Postman has the PureCloud API environment installed into it, so when this API is configured, Postman prompts for all the header and authentication information it needs to make this API request to PureCloud. And what it asks for is not the usual OAuth credentials. 


I've worked with a resource already and we got this to half work yesterday. Half work in that we copied the Python out of Postman and into the Python Tool in Alteryx Designer 2020.3. This Python script included the 'acceptable and correct' authorization token - hard-coded in. But, it remains, that with Alteryx Designer, I've yet to find a way to make it provide the proper credential and header information to PureCloud to receive the 'acceptable and correct' authentication token. 


This is why I'm asking if the PureCloud API environment can be installed into Alteryx. I'm assuming this would bring the same success as Postman, except along the way, Alteryx would build out a workflow. 


Thanks for any suggestions.



You may actually want to look at the cURL code rather than Python and leverage the Download tool within Alteryx. You can have values dynamically read in as Header and Payload values.  I have created a getting started guide for APIs that shows workflow examples for different authentication types: 

10 - Fireball

Hi Brandon, 

I appreciate your reply, and that article I'm well aware of and have used those points in practice with my PureCloud APIs that require only the general OAuth credentials.


I have eight Alteryx workflows all performing about 40 different API calls against the PureCloud servers. This particular problematic API does not make a request for data, but instead sends a complicated request body with the PUT method to make a physical change to a report. The change is: the users we want information about, and, the date interval of those users' activities. I understand the extra level of authentication, but the standard Alteryx Download tool cannot accommodate what is required. 


We not only have to use the standard OAuth Access Token URL https://{base URL}/oauth/token, but also an

Auth URL, https://{base URL}/oauth/authorization. In addition, a callback URL has to be provided. Grant Type must be "Authorization Token", not "Client Credentials". 


Postman is successful only because the PureCloud API environment is installed and tells Postman what to ask for in this API's particular case. 




