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Inconsistent Regex Behaviour

5 - Atom

Hello all,


I've noticed some strange regex behaviour in Alteryx, namely when using capture groups as compared to regex101. Please see the screenshots below:


Using this formula



REGEX_Match([test], "(h)")




In Alteryx:


alteryx comm 1.jpg

In Regex101:




Alteryx does not seem to be picking up anything except for JUST "h". I found an easy workaround by using the following regular expression, which does work in Alteryx: 






But the question still stands, why is Alteryx inconsistent with Regex101? I thought it may have something to do with flags but I'm not sure if that's the case.


For context:

  • I'm using version 2020.2
  • AMP engine is off


Thanks in advance for any help!

13 - Pulsar

OMG! I had this exact problem this morning - admittedly I was writing Python (not using Alteryx) but it's the same thing.  I found this:'


but in your case, this is more appropriate:  (the last line states: If appears that Regex_Match has to match the entire field in order to return true, whereas Regex_replace acts on any part of the field.  )


I just can't get regex101 to replicate what I was doing.  


The solution is really:

REGEX_Match([test], ".*(h).*")
14 - Magnetar

Hi, @corkddd 


In Alteryx, use REGEX_Match function to must be match the entire field.

In RegEx101, just match any-part of string.
