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Importing multiple excel files(.xlsx) with diiferent schemas from a folder to Alteryx

7 - Meteor

Detailed Description regarding the issue-


I have to import and append 12 excel files with .xlsx format in Alteryx.I was able to create a directory successfully but when i tried to add a dynamic input,it provided me with the error that"All the files have different schemas".

Also,note that all the files have single spreadsheet and they are all in the same folder.All the spreadsheets have different name.


Please let me know how this can be done.How can i build the macro for the same and if any formula is required to be used?

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris
17 - Castor

@SurbhiMittal , Hi Surbhi there was same requirement in one of my use case as well. I am sharing the macro which I used to resolve this issue. Please accept my solution if it works for your problem too.



Sapna Gupta
14 - Magnetar

I assume you're expecting all the workbooks to have the same fields?  When I've encountered this issue, it's usually because the data types don't match, e.g. a column contains strings in the first spreadsheet but is blank in the second, which Alteryx assigns to the smallest possible data type (Bool).  To resolve it, run a batch macro to import the files one by one, and include a Select tool in the macro to assign the correct field types.  Then the output schema should match.



Here's the article I originally used: Read in Multiple Excel Files, with Multiple Tabs that have Different Schemas (

7 - Meteor

Hi Sapna,

I used the workflow provided by you and updated the directory with my data(folder).Please check the screenshot attached.


I want to know how can i view the appended data so that i can go ahead with my analysis.

As you can view in the screenshot "Clarification required(2)",i am unable to work with the columns in appended data.


Also,please share with me the file for Macro used by you in the workflow. 

17 - Castor

@SurbhiMittal , I was able to get the columns in the files. Can you check the configuration with the workflow I shared and I have also added macro with the package, will share it again. Still you face issues let me know. And please try to use the workflow shared by me. you dont have to use formula tool

Sapna Gupta