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If any data comes through a stream, produce an error in the workflow.

8 - Asteroid

Hello all,

I have been using ModuleRunner to sequentially run different workflows that have a dependency on eachother (Workflow A produces a data extract which workflow B uses for further analysis). If it can run these two modules without error it will produce a data stream moving through the top output. If a workflow results in an error it will produce a data stream moving through the bottom output.


In the attachement below: The selected union produces 0bytes of data if it's a succes. As soon as it produces 1 byte of data (or more) I want the workflow to have an error in it but still continue to the next union adding a date-time to the output. Anyone know of a simple solution to this?

11 - Bolide

Hi, without giving your logic/flow much thought - busy day... i can say that i have taken a failed results and used to continue workflow using a union on runner.


So for example - i kill google drive with task killer via bat file and if it is not running i get an error - so i pickup #2 and have it kick off second runner.



8 - Asteroid

 Hi Anthony,


Thank you for your answer. It was a busy day for me too so I hope the explanation was understandable. 


The issue with a Union here is that whenever the first modulerunner fails, the second should not run (it depends on results from the first).

I get a notification whenever there is an error but when a runner fails it doesn't produce an error in this workflow (the runner workflow), it just produces data through the bottom stream. I want to artificially produce a red exclamationmark without actually having a workflow breaking error.


Kind regards,

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi Daniel,


I am not sure that i fully understand your question however i have tried to build a testflow to answer your question. You have the option to run a test on the output, which can the generate an error. Hope this brings you closer to a solution.


Skærmbillede 2015-11-02 kl. 09.53.22.png


Best regards,


8 - Asteroid

Hi Daniel,


Thanks for your reply. I tried to reproduce the test with the following conditions:

Whenever the count of records is larger than 0, the test results in a false. The following outcomes appeared.


- When both modulerunners succeed the test does not produce an error

- When one or both modulerunners fail more than 0 records pass through the stream which results in an artificial error.


I will keep an eye on it for now but it does what it should. Many thanks!



ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi Daniel,


You are welcome. Please let me know how it works out for you in the future. 


All the best,

