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IF formula to fill in blanks

5 - Atom


My data set includes a list of employees (name, employee ID, work email address, supervisor name, supervisor's employee ID, supervisor email address). If an individual is both an employee and supervisor, their information will appear in the employee data-related columns and the supervisor data-related columns.


ISSUE: Some supervisor emails are not in the original data set. Where there are blanks, I want to find the supervisor's email address in their employee email address field and use it to fill in the blanks in their supervisor email address field.


I've tried using the following IF formula (see what I'm trying to do in parentheses), but it does not insert the employee email address into the blank supervisor email address fields.


IF IsNull([Supervisor Email]    (I'm trying to say if the supv email field is empty)

AND [Supervisor Employee ID] = [Employee ID]    (compare the supv ID field to the employee ID field, and if they're equal....)

THEN [Supervisor Email] = [Employee Email]     (then the supv email should be filled with the employee email)

ELSE [Supervisor Email]     (else if the supervisor email is not empty, keep the populated supervisor email)



Any thoughts on how to correct this given what I'm trying to do? Is there a better formula option than IF?


Thanks in advance!

5 - Atom

I will give that a try. Thank you, @nagakavyasri!
