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How to update ImportLine value with Action Tool?

8 - Asteroid

I have an Analytic App that prompts the user to select a "format" for the file to be imported. They use a RadioButton to do this. How do I configure the Action Tool to update my Input Data Tool with a different ImportLine value?


For example, most import files the user will use have data that starts on line 1 (after the headers). However, some of the files will have a blank row before the headers and I need to account for that in the Input Data tool.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @nrossin 

I'm not sure if I got your question right, but there's an option to update the Input Data tool in this case.




I just wonder if maybe your template file doesn't support the "ImportLine" option, and thats why you're not able to see it?


