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How to switch virtual environment in Python tool?

7 - Meteor

I have a requirement where I need to create multiple virtual environments that I need to use in my Alteryx workflow's Python tool.

Currently I see only one default environment and there is no option to change it

I have even created a new conda virtual environment but still I am not able to see in Python tool under 'Change Kernel' option.


I followed below steps to create conda virtual enviroment:


  1. Changed directory to below path:
  2. Opened command prompt in above path and issued below commands:
    #List all Conda ENVs


conda env list


            Result: base


            #Create Conda Env


conda create --name testenv1 python


       3. Opened Alteryx designer, placed Python tool to Canvas. Under Kernel menu, tried to 'Change Kernel' but still it shows the default 'DesignerBaseTools_vEnv' only.



Please let me know how to get this done.

Any help/suggestion is much appreciated.

Thank You

5 - Atom

Hi MDhaker,


Thanks for posting the issue.

I am also facing the same issue and unable to resolve it.
Followed few reference links available in the community and tried, but unable to do it.

Can some one help us to get this done.

Thank you!
