Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to sort a column contains both numbers and letters and Pivot

7 - Meteor


I am trying to sort a column with both numbers and letters (Column B below). I tried both data type "V_String" and "V_WString". Both not working. I have to use Excel to help me sort. How can I get it done in Alteryx? 


After sorting,  I need to summarize column C (Sum_line item amount) per each change of column A (Document number) and Column B (Filing Jurisdiction). Currently the summary doesn't give me what I need. I guess it's because the sorting is not working .It will be greatly appreciated if someone can help. Thanks! 






If you are trying to use a summarize tool to sum every combination of Document Number and Filing Jurisdiction you don't need to do any sorting prior to the Summarize tool because it will already be working within those groups if you group by both columns and then sum the amount. 

18 - Pollux

I'm confused - how is it sorting vs how do you want it sorted?  Alteryx sorts 00 before AA ...


Could you post some data as a .csv or a .txt and what you want it look like as output?

7 - Meteor

Thanks for your response! Please see the attached file. This is what I currently have. I have summarized line item amount by grouping document and grouping state (means sum line item amount for each change of state and document number). The filing jurisdiction is still out of order. I will like the jurisdiction sort as descending. Thanks! 

7 - Meteor

Please see attached file below. Thanks

18 - Pollux

I'm sorry, but I'm not clear on what you want done with nulls and 00 - do you want them before state abbreviations? That's how alteryx sorts them... Do you need them filtered out of the datastream? Do you want a different value in there?
