Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to feed the output from one tool as the variable in another tool?

6 - Meteoroid

I am trying to use the generate rows tool to create rows, but I want to use the output generated from the count records tool to set the parameter for the generate rows tool. I thought I could use the action button to link the count records tool to the generate rows tool but wasn't able to do it. Can someone help me? Or please let me know how this could be done?

18 - Pollux

RowCount <= [Count] - goes in your condition expression if you are taking the row count from upstream in your workflow.

if you are trying to hook this into an app - you'd use a numeric up/down which would tie into your action tool - you'd keep the expression as:

RowCount <= 10

you'd then highlight that field, click on replace a specific string (on the bottom) and type 10 there.

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you for your response, but I need to use the number generated from the count records tool in the previous steps as the "[Count]" in the generate rows tool. I had attached the workflow in my initial question for reference.  

14 - Magnetar


 Connect the Count Records output to the generate rows tool. This will allow the Generate Rows tool to see this field and therefore build logic with it @NNB. If you want to use the results of a workflow to overwrite certain sections of other tools, you'll need to go down the batch macro route. That's designed to dynamically read from a data stream and leverage that information with other processes

FYI the Action tool is designed to be paired with interface tools to allow them to connect to the other tools in Alteryx. It acts as the medium between the user's input (via interface tool) and specific tools within the underlying workflow

All the best,

6 - Meteoroid

@BS_THE_ANALYST  - I did build a batch macro and was able to get what I need, thanks.
