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How to create workflow that would check file location and pull in data based on file name

5 - Atom



Recently started using Alteryx a month or so ago and am looking for guidance on how to create a workflow to achieve what I am attempting to do. 


Overview: Our Reports are sent to a specific folder location from our core software everyday with the same file name but with today's date (example, 2023-02-21 - Summary - ABC-FL). 


Is there a way that when this workflow runs, it checks the most recent date on the files within this same folder location and pulls in today's report without having to manually change the input option? As of right now, I can manually select the file I want add to my workflow, but haven't figured out a way to have it automatically check the folder location, and choose the file with today's date. 


I would include my workflow, but I don't think it holds any weight with what I am attempting to do. My first thought was writing an expression within the formula tool that is connected to a directory tool and that the expression would choose the file that has today's date with the same remaining naming convention, once I wasn't able to get this figured out, I came here. 


Thanks a ton! 



17 - Castor

Hi @cmillard 


The directory tool has several date fields, could you leverage one of those to filter using a DateTimeToday() function? Then assuming they're the same format each day you could use a dynamic input tool or batch macro to process. 



