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How to convert formula IF(E2<>E1,1,A1+1) in excel to Alteryx

7 - Meteor



I would like to know how can i produce the number of sequence of column E and the count and if it is end of sequence restart the count for new data until the end of data in column E, So far I excel I am using IF(E2<>E1,1,A1+1)  formula. I have attached the screenshot and the file




21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

We can use the Multi-Row Formula or Tile tool to do this as below.


5 - Atom

@qiu has given the perfect solution, but lets say you want to run the sequence "1 to n" for "type-1" in column E, then "1 to n" for "type-2" in column E, you sholud select the column on Group by option of tile tool and select column E. what this will do is: -

Column ESequence
Type 11
Type 12
Type 13
Type 21
Type 22
Type 23
Type 24
Type 25
7 - Meteor

Hi @Qiu  and @prateekguru 


I will try the solutions that both of you given and if any further clarification required, I will update the post. Thanks for the solution that have been given and sorry for my late reply on this. Appreciate both of your input
