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How to connect all files saved within a folder using Input tool on Alteryx server

8 - Asteroid

I have an app created and would like to read all files saved within a folder on my system. This app needs to run on the Alteryx server. I know that we cannot use folder browse on the server, so wanted to check what other options do we have to read multiple files and union all the data in those excel workbooks and worksheets. I am able to do that in Designer but unable to do this on the Server. Do we have any workaround for this?

17 - Castor

Hi @Vaib 


I've done this successfully using network folders that the server is able to access. 

8 - Asteroid

If you use the file browse tool to select a file in the folder, then pull through the file path, trim the path to just the folder directory, you can then add *.xlsx (or whatever file type you have), pass it into a batch macro and it should import each file. This should also be compatible with the server. 

8 - Asteroid

Would any of you be able to share sample of the macro or the workflow if you can please.

17 - Castor

@Vaib In my instance it functions just like a normal file path on your desktop, just that it is a network drive that you and the server both have access to. A normal input or directory tool would function normally.


Now, if you need to allow the users to enter a new file path dynamically that's a different story. @Zas3nfkb 's suggestion could work, but have also seen using a text box input to define a file path.. again the server would need to be able to access it. 

8 - Asteroid

I dont think a text input alone would be enough. It would give you the file path, but you would need to pass it through a dynamic input tool to ingest the files. Because the dynamic input tool can be fickle (ie the columns are out of order, one is missing, etc.) the macro would be more robust as you can then output by field mapping. In either case, you need a mechanism of defining the path then ingesting the files in the path. 



5 - Atom

Hi - Can you please upload an example of this? As I have a batch macro that pulls from the directory, the file path, only takes a certain file type and runs for everything in the folder. But I am unsure how to then have a separate batch macro like you are suggesting in order for this to run on the server?


@Allison2 can you clarify what it is you are trying to do? If you want to have a workflow run on server, that points to a directory and inputs all the data files in that directory, the only thing you need to ensure is that the server run as account has permissions and access to the directory that the workflow is pointing to.

David Kim
Customer Success Manager
5 - Atom

If we cannot allow the server to have access to any shared folders, is there a different workaround?
