Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How do I read a yxdb from Google Drive

6 - Meteoroid

Hi,  I know that Alteryx Designer can read many different data types from many sources.

So how do read from or write to a yxdb file on Google Drive?  This is the data infrastructure my organisation uses.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar




Do you currently use Google Drive Sync?

With that you will see your files in a standard File Explorer box. You can then access the files from alteryx through a normal input tool.


6 - Meteoroid

Hi, this is not used nor accessible in my organisation - but I will investigate it.

Why is there no Google Drive equivalent of the Amazon S3 tools?
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You can also use Drive File Stream to connect to your files just as you would from a network folder: 


The most common data sources have connectors already built out by Alteryx (S3, Google Sheets, OneDrive, and Tableau to name a few). A majority of them are using APIs to pull/push the data from Designer. That being said, just because Alteryx has not released a connector doesn't mean a connector cannot be built. You're certainly able to leverage the Google Drive API and the Download tool to create a connector. Looking on the Gallery, it looks like someone has already created one!!app/Google-Drive-Tools/5c65d93c0462d711bceaa0a5 
