Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How can I post if I get a Post Flooding Error on try again?

13 - Pulsar

I tried to post a question.  My first attempt generated a "correct highlighted errors and try again."  But, it won't let me try again.  It throws a "Post Flooding Error".   This is at least my 8th attempt to post even this simple questions.  Seriously?


8 - Asteroid

I am getting same error

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@hellyars what was the "correct highlighted error..." referring to? I've seen a lot of people receive that error because they never selected a label for their message and just kept clicking post. Not sure if this may pertain to your situation. But otherwise, I'd suggest waiting a few minutes or signing out and back in to refresh the pages.




13 - Pulsar

@gyang3  It was so long ago I can't remember. But, your explanation sounds like a plausible scenario. 

7 - Meteor

I'm trying to post, and I do select a label, but then it comes back and says the label is not valid, and then the "post flooding" thing starts happening when I try to resubmit.  It seems like no possible label is valid, even if it comes up when I type it.

7 - Meteor

This was my problem! Thank you so much :)

5 - Atom

Hi Everyone, 


I am new to Alteryx, I am facing an issue while reading the data from the google input drive (as i can select the file and select the no of records also) but my Alteryx designer tool keeps saying running for hours but there no display of data at all... 


Kindly please can you help me 
