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How can I cross-tab rows after transposing 2 datasets and filtering?

6 - Meteoroid



I am trying to crosstab row records that are mismatching after doing a transpose on both datasets and filtering out mismatching rows. Here is my workflow so far and some sample data in a screen shot:


So as you can see below, I have done some work on the data to get it to compare on individual fields (there could be 5 fields there could be 500 depending on the file) and would only care about the Row Records coming off the False branch (i.e. mismatched data per field). So I have the record IDs and want to cross-tab these False records back into their whole rows in a Left Table vs Right Table view.. Is this possible?  



This is how I currently have my final output data and basically looking to remove rows from both files that are not highlighted.



I have attached the workflow I got inspired by to modify for my use case. 


 Thank you
