Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Help with macro passing old data

7 - Meteor

Hi all,

I built a standard macro that works well but keeps trying to pass old data from when I first built it. When I connect it, the metadata is all the original data and I have to run the workflow once to seed the correct data then run it a second time and the macro works fine. Every time I make a change somewhere else in the workflow, the macro reverts to its original data and I have to do the double-run for it to work. This is especially problematic in an app where I want to feed a set of choices into a list box and the list box shows the old data to the end user if I dont run the workflow before saving it. Any idea what this could be from or how to fix it?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Some basic questions:

  1. What Alteryx Version are you on?
  2. Are you running with AMP?
  3. Is your standard macro built with a standard input or text input in the macro input tool?
  4. Can you provide some example screenshots or even data / the workflow itself?
  5. When you say change the workflow, what do you mean? 
Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE