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Help with IF ELSE

8 - Asteroid

I am new to alteryx and  this may be a simple  question 


How do I create a column using Formula tool to show 


"[Total Spend]-250000"


When I put it in quotes it actually creates a column with the text and if I remove the quotes the formula gives an error.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



You don't need to use the quotations.  The formula will simply be 

[Total Spend]-250000


If that does not work its probably because the total spend field is not a Number, use a select tool beforehand to update the data type to 'Double'.  You also might not have given the new column a name which can cause errors.


In future try sharing the error message to make it easier to solve the problem.




ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Welcome to Alteryx Community!!


Initial guess is that you need to check the data type of your Total Spend column. Place a Select tool before the formula tool and make sure that column has a numerical data type. Then, in your formula, make sure you name your formula in the box at the top (you will also get an error if you don't have a name for the new formula you are creating). You will not want to have the quotes in your formula... and finally, when your formula is done, make sure to check the Data type for that new column you've created so that it shows up correctly as a numerical data type in the rest of your workflow! See example below for configuration of your formula...




Hope that helps! If you need more assistance please try attaching a copy of your workflow or a picture of the error message so that we can better trouble shoot any issues :)




8 - Asteroid

thanks alot. it was a basic mistake from my end. 
