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Get Analytic app output directly on the Server browser?!

7 - Meteor



I have an analytic app which outputs 3 different excel files, one of which is a file with many sheets so I have used several output tools for this excel file. When I run the app from local machine I get the outputs but running from the server the outputs are only saved on the shared drive and I don'ts see the outputs on the server browser.


I have tested with a simple output of one excel file and that works on the server and I get the outputs but not with the other flow.


When saving the flow on the server I have ticked in the output box and the outputs are save to _externals.


Any suggestion on what is causing this issue?


Thanks in advance!



7 - Meteor

Hi @PH_80,


Could you please provide your workflow so I can observe how it behaves on my Alteryx Server?



15 - Aurora

@PH_80 will you be able to show the workflow assets window.
