Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Formula not generate correctly

6 - Meteoroid

I created this formula, however the "revise reserve amount" is not generating at all, the "new ext value" and" write down percentage" is giving me the right result, do you able to spot why? 



17 - Castor

Are you able to provide a bit more context here? From a brief glimpse over the expressions they look fine and you're using the correct data types when creating the new fields. Given that the [New Ext Value]*[Write down Percentage] route of this if formula is reliant on [Create Date > 6 months] I'd give that a check. Are there definitely records that are " yes"? In your expression you have a leading space here whereas perhaps in the data the records are just "yes"? Or maybe the issue lies elsewhere but would be great to see a little more if you can perhaps share the workflow or more detailed screenshots.

6 - Meteoroid

You have a good eye! it is the leading space! 
