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Finding Price Differences By Date


Hello Everyone,


I am new to community and Alteryx. I am having trouble to create a workflow. When we sort our list by product and date on a supplier basis, we expect the price to always move up or remain constant. we are looking for the highest price and when we find the highest price, we get the difference of that highest price from the post dated prices. then we find the highest value among the values before the highest value and we do the same operations again. so the goal is finding the price differences.


I am doing this iterations in excel I added the file. Is it possible for me to do this in an Alteryx Workflow. 


Thank you.


Hi @solmazhuseyin,

Welcome to the Alteryx community!


If I'm understanding correctly, it sounds like you want a running tally of the highest observed price for a supplier. This can be accomplished with the Multi-Row Formula tool in Alteryx. This tool allows you to compare or calculate values across a range of rows in your data. So, we can compare the unit price on the current row to the row before and see if it was an increase, and then keep just the higher value in our new output.


My workflow (attached) looks like this.

Annotation 2021-01-13 083606.jpg

The output looks like this for Supplier A:

Annotation 2021-01-13 083840.jpg


Is this what you were looking for? From here, you could use a regular formula tool to calculate the differences between the two columns.


Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions, or if I've misunderstood what you were looking for.



Thank you that is what I have been looking for. That surprised me we could do it that easy.  
