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Filter tool invalid type in operator ==. Error

6 - Meteoroid

Hi - 


I am running into a very strange issue on Alteryx. I have a moderate workflow where i need to take a large data set (20K records) and apply multiple filters. Most filters use the same same criteria with different variables and i pass it to the next filter. All of the filters are on data i have created using the existing date and made binary flags (Strings) using formula tools.


Depending on the number of records i input, i get the "Invalid type in operator ==." error on some of my filter tools.


I have read that the most often reason is for field type mismatch but all are consistent, and i checked each meta data output leading to the erroring filter. 


Further this error happens only when i increase the record size of input over some number and sometimes errors even with small input record limit with the same file input. All my data types that error our are strings and i have confirmed it.


I even tried to break down a multiple complex filter down to sub components and they still error. BTW It is the same static data i am testing with.


Pasting the examples and its in downwards direction:


1) This is a multiple filter all in one erroring out:


((([IC] > 20) AND ([AST] != "B_E" OR [AST] != "O_A_E")) AND ([PLTPT] = "Y" AND [C_S_S] = "Y")OR ([PLTPT] = "Y" AND [RDLT0.5] = "Y") OR ([PLTPT] = "N" AND [C_S_S] = "Y" AND [RDLT0.5] = "Y")) – Error with consolidated filter
2) Split Filters 
2.a) [IC] > 20 AND ([AST] != "B_E" OR [AST] != "O_A_E") – No Error here
2.b) [PLTPT] = "Y" AND [C_S_S] = "Y" – Error here
2.c) [PLTPT] = "Y" AND [RDLT0.5] = "Y" – No Error here
2.d) [PLTPT] = "N" AND [C_S_S] = "Y" AND [RDLT0.5] = "Y" – Error here



(To recap all are strings and confirmed except IC which is INT64. The same filters worked on some and not on some. )


Regarding sharing the workflow, I am restricted by confidentiality. Is there an alternative way? 




15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Data_blend 

Are you able to take part of your workflow to create a new workflow with some sample data showing the error?

its hard to identify with the formula pasted as plain text and no data.


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Maybe you can share a sample input?

6 - Meteoroid

Most importantly, all my filters are on fields i created new on formula tool using the xlsx input. So not sure how it can work when record is low and I input full record it errors out.It is the same static input.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Data_blend 


Is it possible to provide some sample data and sample workflow where you are facing issue. It will be easier for us to debug.


Happy to help : )

8 - Asteroid


Please use the below formula, seems the issue was with the brackets you have used, also the 2nd formula uses 'and statement' so it has taken into consideration when you are validating the below formula.

([IC] > 20 AND ([AST] not in ("B_E" ,"O_A_E")))
( [PLTPT] = "Y" AND [C_S_S] = "Y" ))
( [PLTPT] = "Y" AND [RDLT0.5] = "Y" )
( [PLTPT] = "N" AND [C_S_S] = "Y" AND [RDLT0.5] = "Y" )

THEN "Condition Satisfies"
ELSE "Condition Doesnt Satisfy"



Working notes -  because 2a and 2b has 'and' , both has to be satisfied to be considered, also as 2c and 2d has 'or' it satifies conditions and it apperas in final output



