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Filter tool Malformed if statment

8 - Asteroid

I have several columns of data and I'm trying filter out if each column of the line has all zeros but I'm getting a malformed if statement parse error. Column headings = 

F CL Begin Bal PTDF CL Additions PTDF CL Releases PTDF CL Ending Bal


Filter tool: If statement = If [F CL Begin Bal PTD] = 0 AND [F CL Additions PTD] = 0 AND [F CL Releases PTD] = 0 AND [F CL Ending Bal] = 0


I'm sure I'm missing something at the end but not sure what that is. 


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @CherieACI 


Just try



[F CL Begin Bal PTD] = 0 AND [F CL Additions PTD] = 0 AND [F CL Releases PTD] = 0 AND 
[F CL Ending Bal] = 0



and check


Adding brackets is also good idea.

([F CL Begin Bal PTD] = 0) AND ([F CL Additions PTD] = 0) AND ([F CL Releases PTD] = 0) 
AND ([F CL Ending Bal] = 0)


You dont need if statement in filter tool


Hope this helps 🙂

8 - Asteroid

Yes, that worked! Thank you so much!

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Happy to help 🙂 @CherieACI 


If this solved your usecase please mark the post as solution.


Cheers and Happy Analyzing 😀

8 - Asteroid

Actually, my output now only has zeros. I wanted everything but the zeros! Doesn't the filter mean it removes what you are stating?


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @CherieACI 


Change equal(=) to not equal(!=) like below


[F CL Begin Bal PTD] != 0 AND [F CL Additions PTD] != 0 AND [F CL Releases PTD] != 0 AND 
[F CL Ending Bal] != 0

