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File Input - Macro

5 - Atom

Hi all,


I have an issue and would like your input on whether this solution is possible. 

I have automated manual processes using a whole bunch of workflows. I wanted to able to consolidate the workflows into one by packaging each one into Alteryx macros. So if you can think about each workflow as a part, I have one workflow with just 4 macro nodes (workflows: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4) Each of the workflows share same inputs, I'm wondering if I am able to just have one file browse to update the files for all of those macros that I mentioned above. 
Reason I am not approaching this problem with an Analytical app is because there are other processes that do not share the same inputs. I see this way as the most ideal since I can add more logic later. I've attached a screenshot of what I tried to accomplish. Please let me know if this is possible!
16 - Nebula

Hi @dominictran ,


Here's the thing. If you want to use an interface tool (in this case a single file browse) in your workflow and you don't want this to be an analytic app, then this workflow will be a macro. You will then have one workflow/parent macro and within that different nested/children macros (part1, part2 etc). 


Now your "children" macros cannot have a file browse tool in them, because then you won't  be able to change the filepath "globally" to all of them, but you will have to go to each macro and configure the interface. What you can use instead is a control parameter, which will replace the filepath with whatever feed in to the macro's input


Child macro sample :




Parent macro:






If you do want your main/parent workflow to be an actual workflow and not a macro, you will then have to delete the file browse interface tool used above and everytime you want to run this standard workflow, you can update the filepath in the text input tool manually.


Parent standard workflow:


Hope that helps,


