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Field With Multiple Data Types?

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone!


I'd like to know if there's any way to develop an excel report with fields that contains string data as number data.


For example:


The attached table is what I got in Alteryx Designer (Output). This table represents the Sales for each store (A,B,C,D), and there's another "table" that specify the total sales per store, from the last period. 


The thing is that every field contained in this output is a String Data, and I need to convert what is number to number, and what is string to string.


Hope somebody could help me out with this.



Thank you.

18 - Pollux

I see it as custom on my excel - but what type of data are you using in your table? Is it double? If so it "should" be rendered as number.

18 - Pollux

and just to clarify - as custom it is summing without data type changes in excel.

10 - Fireball
@Cfdiaz2103 - Using a formula tool you could create a column the identifies your number and string rows. Then Cross tab with that new field as the column headers and the column with string and number values as the data to go under those column headers. Now if you don't like the two column output option, I would check out this post regarding preserved formatting in Excel outputs:
18 - Pollux

Is that from output or render? Output put fields exactly as they are in the datastream - It looks like you have your excel column headers as strings so perhaps you have your numbers as string in Alteryx? If you turned this into a table in Alteryx you could have your column headers formatted as you want and keep the numbers as numbers on render.

8 - Asteroid

That's right!


Initially, the numbers I used to create the report were numbers. Then, I joined a "Sub-Header" in the middle of the values. That action turned my number values into a string values. Then, by using a Select Tool, converted the the columns with numbers into a Fixed Decimal (19.2), and the result is my Sub-Header values converted in Null.

18 - Pollux

play around with the table options and render - you can make multiple tables/subheaders etc and keep formatting and fieldtypes.
