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Experiencing issues when overwriting excel sheet more than once. XML error

8 - Asteroid

When I run the Alteryx for the first time on a fresh sheet, it works fine. But when I run it again, it set to overwrite sheet range, I get no errors in Alteryx but when I go and try to open the file I get this pop-up.


Then I I click yes and open as read-only it shows me the following error. 


Replaced Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet5.xml part with XML error. The name in the end tag of the element must match the element type in the start tag


Has anyone ever experienced something like this? 

17 - Castor

Can you share a screenshot of the configuration of your output tool?

8 - Asteroid




17 - Castor

I can't tell from the screenshot, but I've seen some issues when the tab name/range isn't in the correct syntax. If you used the interface to set this up it shouldn't be a problem. Here are some threads on similar issues. If possible, can you replicate this with dummy data and share a workflow?


We found a problem with some content when opening ... - Alteryx Community

Solved: Excel output error - Excel found unreadable conten... - Alteryx Community
