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Example of Basic Workflow Functions

5 - Atom



I am giving an introductory presentation to a group of colleagues. I would like to bring them through the commonly used functions and clearly demonstrate to them how each function alters the dataset.


Does someone have experience with this type of presentation? What worked well and what didn't? Do you have an example of a workflow like this?




12 - Quasar

@dkav127 a good way of doing this I found is going through the one tool examples on screen to demo the common tools and letting people ask questions

13 - Pulsar

One good way to go about a presentation like this, if you have time is to put together 2 short questionnaires on Google Forms (or other platform of choice). Example:

Form 1:

  1. Enter your name
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. Pick a number between 1-10?

Form 2:

  1. Enter your name
  2. Which day of the week are you most productive?
  3. When is your birthday?
  4. Have you used Alteryx before?

Send them out before hand and ask the meeting participants to fill out the short forms. This gives you some data to showcase and makes things more personal and engaging for people, and provides the following examples for Tools

  • Input Tool: To get the data
  • Text Input Tool: Don't fill out the second form yourself (place your answers to that in the Text Input Tool), so that you can also use:
  • Union Tool: Union your hard-coded response to second form from Text Input Tool with Input data from Input Tool
  • Join Tool: use to bring both form responses into single dataset
  • Formula Tool: use to calculate/isolate the month respondents were born
  • Auto Field Tool: If picked number is pulled in as string
  • Summarize Tool: Demonstrate how many birthdays there are per month
  • Sort Tool: Which month has the most birthdays
  • Output Tool: Can be used however you'd like
  • Etc.

As you can see, you have a lot of options here. Focus on simple workflows with simple data. You don't want people to be confused about something that you don't even intend to discuss.


Happy Solving!!!


8 - Asteroid

This one is my go to if someone asked me where to start with Alteryx:

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