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Error on Server, but not error in Designer

10 - Fireball

I run a workflow in the designer, I get a bunch of errors due to a macro in the workflow.

However I still get outputs.


When I upload this workflow to the server, How come the workflow seems to stop at this macro?


What can I do to bypass and have it run like it would in designer?


The macro pretty much loops through directories.

17 - Castor

Without knowing the exact purpose of the workflow/no screenshots/no explanation of the error messages, it’s hard to diagnose the issue. Can you provide any of these?


As you mention that the macro loops through directories, I’m wondering is it an issue coming from that - is your macro running on server but looking for absolute filepaths, rather than relative?

10 - Fireball



Well here are the screens hots of the macro... 


Part 1:



Part 2:




part 3:





So it looks like it is searchign through many files in part 1, in the directory, so I get alot of errors in both server and in designer.

Ie Record #2000 Tool #1 invalid directory. However it keeps going through them and ultimate completes the workflow.




10 - Fireball

Ill add, its almost like on the server the workflow stops after the macro is complete. In designer it runs fine.

17 - Castor

@wonka1234 how is your macro set up in interface properties (Ctrl+Alt+D - See below)? It may be erroring because of these settings. However, I'd imagine it's more likely that you haven't packaged assets that aren't brought in dynamically, or the configuration means it's still looking for certain files/directories locally. Is there a specific error that comes up when the run fails? Rather than the 'Invalid Directory' one?




10 - Fireball

@DataNath  the macro has the same settings as you have pictured.



This is pretty much what I see on the server.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@wonka1234 This knowledge article should help out:


The most important things to consider are:

(1) that UNC paths are best practice for running on server, and

(2) the AlteryxService (on the server machine) must have access to the drive that your macro is referencing

Andrew Robinson
Sales Engineer - British Colombia
17 - Castor

If you go to Options > Advanced Options > Workflow Dependencies, is 'All UNC' selected? If not, does that help if you do so?


After looking through some other threads, it appears that this sometimes happens when you copy and paste a macro output tool instead of just dragging on a new one from the tool bar. If you did this, can you try dragging on a fresh one in its place and seeing if this helps?


If not, I'm not sure I can help much more sorry. Only obvious other thing would be to check whether the account running this from server actually has permissions/access to the directories and such needed for the flow to run.
