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Error message when opening Output file (Blob)

7 - Meteor

Hey guys,


I'm currently using a blob input and a blob output tool to insert data into a template and to ensure the formatting has preserved.


Everything is set up but when I open my file I'm left with these error messages?






How do I get around this?


Thanks in advance!

20 - Arcturus

@BenJones13 In the below post you can find a sample workflow, which you can compare against your workflow and see the differences


8 - Asteroid

@BenJones13 - Did you ever find a solution for this? I am facing the same issues on .docx or .pdf files but not for .jpg or .svg file types.

18 - Pollux

What version of Alteryx are you seeing that error on. Can you upload a template you are using? You should not be seeing this issue on a non-recent (< 2023.X) version of Alteryx - and I can't speak for 2023.X because I don't touch them. 


Issues you may want to look at - 1) we're there any issues with the original file. 2) do you have a mislabeled range when outputting to your template later in workflow? 


the usual culprit is 2) - that means your template copies but then you have a range downstream which is broken. 
