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Error email not generating

6 - Meteoroid

Hi guys,


I am trying to create an automated workflow tool in designer where if the file input is opened on anyone's machine during the run then it should generate an error email. I only had the input tool on here as a way to use the least amount of tools possible and in workflow configuration, I set the email to "after run with errors", added my SMTP, my own email address in "to" to test, and a message in the body to alert the person that the file is opened.


I tested it in both designer and uploaded it to gallery to test with the file opened on my desktop and it ran with no issues, so no error email was sent to me. I recall having the file open to be an issue with previous versions- I am using 2020.4. Is there a need to add more tools to get the error message generated?


to clarify, I am merely trying to creating a tool to remind people to close specific files by a certain time if it hasn't been already through sending them an error message if the file that's being input in the input tool is still opened.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@jennjun8 ,


I am assuming you are not getting any errors, and have configured the event to run only in case you have errors. Considering that an email not going out is expected behavior.


Can you please elaborate further on what file type you are trying to access?

6 - Meteoroid

@JagdeeshN correct I am not getting any errors. I am pulling in an excel file using file input tool. the files I will be using should I get this to work will be .xlsb and .xlsx files.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @jennjun8 


Just to be clear.  The workflow is configured to input the file from a network path and before you run it, you open that exact file from your local machine?  This will normally cause an error causing your event to fire.    


If it's running without errors, I would suggest that the file that the workflow is reading and the one open on your desktop are not actually the same file.  Can you validate that the fully qualified path to the two files is the same? 



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi @danilang ,


I was trying to replicate the same on my end. And surprisingly I am able to read a xlsx through the input tool in Alteryx, while it is open in Excel on the same machine.


I remember this causing an error earlier.


I am on the 2021 version of the toolset.



Jagdeesh Narayanan



6 - Meteoroid

Hi @danilang ,

l double checked the file path and was indeed using the matching file that had it opened. Like @JagdeeshN I am not coming across any errors, so was wondering if this was due to an update. If so, not sure if there is a way to error out as I am hoping to utilize this function to remind users to close out of open files.



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@jennjun8  I am still trying to find out from release notes when this was changed. Not sure about a way to enable it back on.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


Not a complete answer, but from testing the 2021.4 version it depends on the excel document type: some work and some do not- for example, .xlsx would generate an error. I have not yet tested all files yet but wanted this documented in case the version updates affect the outcome as well.
