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Error: Fuzzy Match: Internal Error: The incoming packet sequence was not completed be

6 - Meteoroid

I keep getting this error. Funny thing is, it didn't happen before for the same input sources. 


I've also unchecked the Use of AMP Engine in Edit User Settings as recommended by other solutions. It does not fix the problem.


What do I do next?


15 - Aurora

This error message typically occurs when there is an issue with the data being used in the Fuzzy Match tool in Alteryx. It usually indicates that there is a problem with the data's format or structure

6 - Meteoroid

You're right. The data types of some fields were not correct for the Fuzzy match style that was selected

15 - Aurora

is it solved now?

6 - Meteoroid

Yes, by selecting a different field to match on

8 - Asteroid

I had this same issue and was able to fix it by deleting one-by-one the fuzzy matching rows from the bottom up in the Fuzzy Matching tool.  In my case, the field that was causing problems was "Suite" in address.  When I got rid of that, it ran fine.  I suspect that data field needs more cleansing, and so I will implement that next and try to add it back
