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Email specific Excel tabs

8 - Asteroid

Hi all, I'm having some trouble with the email tool and wanted to see if anyone has an answer.  I want to have one spreadsheet ("Input Template") where teams can enter "To"; "From"; and "Subject" information to populate in an email.

I also want a second spreadsheet ("Output Template") where teams can create a template which should be emailed to the distro list from the "Input Template" sheet.


I only want to have one input sheet and one output sheet to keep everything in one place.  When I select the "Output Template" file as an attachement in the email tool, I'm only able to attach the file (not the specific tab for each team).


I'm trying to build this out to be fairly dynamic so new templates can be added without interrupting the process.  Hopefully that all makes sense.  In the attached workflow, I'm using browse tools as "placeholders" for where the email tools would be.


Also, I'm using version 2021.4.2.47802.  Thanks everyone!



15 - Aurora

Hi @Bren312 ,


If it can be a table in email body, not the attached Excel file, it can be achieved as below.




Otherwise, you would need to save the template in separate Excel books.

(You may do it with Output Data tool, but in that case, some timing control would be necessary. Consider using Block Until Done tool.)


]I hope this may be of some help. Good luck.

8 - Asteroid

Awesome; thanks Yoshiro!  I think this will work for me.  Much obliged for the help on this one; I really appreciate it!


