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EMAIL tool sometimes returns ’Unable To Send Email’

7 - Meteor

Hello ,

I am using Alteryx Server 2018.3.
I'm sending about 300 emails with EMAIL Tool(SMTP), but sometimes I get an error.

Error-Toolid xxx:Record# yyy Unable to send email "Error with Message"



Error-Toolid xxx:Workflow was Cancelled by Properties Setting

I re-executed several times, but it ends normally or the value of Record#yyy is different.
MAIL Tool of other workflows can be executed without problems.

What type of SMTP error code is "Error with Message" ?
Can I retry with EMAIL TOOL when an error occurs?

Thank you

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Okutof3 ,


I tried to reproduce your error by sending 300 e-mails to myself but I got no lucky doing it.

I have two tests that you can do to define if your host is really the problem there.


The first is to use a test SMTP and you can do that with where you can send 200 emails per day for free.


The second one is to use a throttle tool and limit the amount of e-mails sent per minute in order to see if there is any kind of traffic problem.


That's everything I got in my mind to suggest you. Hope this helps.


Fernando Vizcaino

7 - Meteor

Hello fmvizcaino ,

Thank you for the advice

Because it is an internal system, it is not possible to test external SMTP sites for security reasons.

I would like to try a throttle tool.


Thank you,

7 - Meteor

Hello fmvizcaino ,

By using the throttle tool, The error no longer occurs.

As of the Alteryx Designer 2019.3 release, the Throttle tool has been deprecated and is now consolidated into the  Download Tool .

I think that the function of the Download Tool is different from the throttle tool. Is there an alternative?


5 - Atom

please, hi! whats is the max number of  the Throttle tool?
