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Dynamic input- specify a sheet error

8 - Asteroid



It states no sheet specified, you must specify a sheet when I have my dynamic input but I did specify a sheet. What could cause this?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @VeronicaElse,

Without a screenshot of your workflow or your workflow file its hard to say. When I get this error:


I need to add the sheet name like this:



8 - Asteroid



thanks for your response! I am fairly new to Alteryx so I am still having trouble.


This is the error I am getting

Warning: Dynamic Input (40): The file "K:\Delegation_Oversight\Vendor Monthly Reports 2021\core\2022 GBS\Directory Input Folder\GPD Tableau Appeals\core Appeals Report HEALTH CARE SERVICES CORPORATION 2022-04-01_2022-04-30.xlsx" has a different number of fields than the 1st file in the set and will be skipped


along with the screenshot attached.


I had a colleague tell me this below to correct, which I don't know how they are not identical? & they are off today.


---for the dynamic input to work, all files need to have an identical format, so no extra columns or different data types


Any suggestions would be great!



13 - Pulsar

Hi @VeronicaElse 


That error is pretty common when trying to read in multiple excel files; as your colleague stated every file must be identical; in layout/format/data type and so forth. Essentially what the tool is doing is reading in a file you specify as the template, and assigning that template layout to every other file you have in the directory. As the error says 'different number of fields' if you compare your template file to the one it's referencing there will be a mismatch in the number of fields being brought through - note that this can also include those 'blank' fields that excel sometimes includes, where there is no data but for some reason excel still thinks there is data there.


The hard way to fix it is go into each file and make sure everything is the same, which defeats the purpose of using Alteryx.


The less hard way would be to filter out the file(s) that don't match the template, and re-run through a new dynamic input with a different template that matches, then union the data back together. I've used this as a quick fix in the past.


The easy solution is to use a macro such as the Wildcard XLSX tool found as part of the CReW macros or the multiple schema macro found on the gallery


Both macros will negate the issue with the Dynamic Input tool and schema/fields etc


If you still have issues, or more questions, posting your workflow and sample data (if you're able to) will help massively in the community being able to solve it :)


8 - Asteroid



I havent checked out the wildcard or the gallery provided but does it matter I only want to use one tab from that excel doc? The excel doc has 4 tabs and I am only needing ONE Tab.

13 - Pulsar

Not at all - the CReW macro for example allows you to specify which sheet names to ignore




Hi @VeronicaElse,


This knowledge base article gives you a step-by-step instruction on how you can set up your own simple macro to read multiple excel tabs with different schemas:


To read in only specific tabs within your excel spreadsheet, simply use the Filter Tool after your Directory Tool to filter out unwanted sheet names.


This simple input macro is a really handy one to have in your arsenal of frequently used Alteryx tools, so I would strongly encourage you to visit the link above. 🙂
