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Dynamic Input Path Name based on date

5 - Atom

Issue Description :- 

Can we have dynamic input file path names. For example : - 


Lets say my file name varies everyday based on the week start date. For example this week it would be named Sandra_2024-02-12.xlsx(this Monday) and next week it would be named Sandra_2024_02_19.xlsx(next Monday) and so on. 

Is there a way instead of manually changing my file name every time can I name it in Alteryx with a variable. So lets say the variable is x defined as datetimetoday() and then i can use this variable in the input file path in alteryx as follows :- 



So if the alteryx run is scheduled every monday it will automatically pick my file name without having to go change it in the input path every time. 


Kindly let me know if there is any way to do this. 


14 - Magnetar

Use the file directory tool, and then use the filter tool function to be select the most recent monday, would that help?

5 - Atom

Thanks a lot for the quick response. This works. 

14 - Magnetar

Pleasure :)
