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Drop Down for input files

6 - Meteoroid


I want to create a workflow where I want to give user options to select among the input files having same format in the workflow itself. How can I do that? Any lead would be really appreciated. Thanks.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @shagun_kaur 


You can use file browse tool by converting your workflow to an analytic app.


Refer this resource.


Hope this helps 🙂


17 - Castor

Hi @shagun_kaur , this is what you can try by creating an app.







If this works kindly mark this post as solution.




Sapna Gupta
6 - Meteoroid

No this did not work. I basically want a drop down from where I can select the file I want out of all the available files in the folder. This simply runs and I get no pop up to select the file I want to use as input. If you can help me with the same it would be a great help

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



First create the app below:



Then on success run a second app



The second interface will let the user enter the same file



If you don't want to use the crew marco you can do a join with all columns on both files and if there is a messing column the join will generate an error


Attached both apps,


Hope that helps,



6 - Meteoroid

Can you please attach the sample files u have used. One small question, if I run only the second workflow will that not serve my purpose, cuz there is barely difference in both the workflows. Also if I am missing on something please help me understand. Also if you can tell me what should be the output when I run this. Thanks

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



the final output wil be the output of the last workflow.

The first app that I created will only check if the file inputted by the user is matching the correct file 

If yes he can pass to the second app (Your main workflow and introduce the file and get the result)

The result will be the out put of the second workflow.

Attached both files i used


Example.xlsx is the correct file that I use to check that I have the same number of columns

Test.xlsx is the file introduced by the user (They are the same but you can a different Test file in order to see the result)



6 - Meteoroid


I understand that but the only thing I am unable to understand is when will the pop up or anything appear for the user to select the input file. When I am running these workflows I am not getting any pop up or drop down to select file. Can you please show me how will that come and if you are getting it. I don't want it to take the input on its own. Whenever I run the workflow I want it to pop up list of all the files I have in the folder so that I can choose one input file and based on that file it will run the workflow.


I hope I am able to make you understand my problem.



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora


Please see below:






Hope that helps,

