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Document Merging

7 - Meteor

Is it possible to use Altyeryx to complete Word Documents much like a traditional Word Mail Merge aside from using the Text Tool? 

I have employment agreements (NDA's) that need to be done en masse. When I mail merge these in Word, the file is one large file with all the employees. This file then has to be broken into individual files, which is time-consuming when there are 40-50 NDAs. 

I am wondering if there is a way to use Alteryx to resolve this.


  • I know how to create files and save them based on grouping
  • I also know how to use the basic level of the Text tool.

My issue is the formatting of the NDA agreements is very complex due to sections, subsections, addendums, etc. so I am not sure that is the best method. 


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @TimK10 


Only reporting render tool supports writing to word document. Additionally render tool always overwrites the file. Hence you might need to prepare the whole document using report tools and render it.




Hope this helps : )


7 - Meteor

Right - but my assumption is the only way I can get the merge to occur is using the Text tool (that will be rendered). 


My question is whether there is a tool or way to pick up an existing Word document and plug-in data like a traditional mail merge that would then be rendered as a Word document using the Grouping Into Separate Reports.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @TimK10 


@TimK10 wrote:

My question is whether there is a tool or way to pick up an existing Word document and plug-in data like a traditional mail merge that would then be rendered as a Word document using the Grouping Into Separate Reports.


The answer there is no way in alteryx to do that. You might need to look into python for it.

8 - Asteroid

Hi- I have a similar ask to this and wanted to see if this functionality now exists, does it?
