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Determine the latest quarter instead of current quarter

8 - Asteroid

hi SME's

i am trying to get the latest quarter instead of current quarter. 

it would be great if we can create a dynamic date range which will allow the user to choose the quarter, 





12 - Quasar

Hi @pokhan27 ,


Try the attached app :-).




It lets the user pick a date and it will take the date minus one month to see if the "Quarter" column matches.





8 - Asteroid

hi @Sebastiaandb 

Thank you for your response, what if i am in current quarter? it will always give me the previous qtr, so i need the latest quarter to be displayed. Further i have more than 16 input of similar file types so for each file do i have to create a date filter?

thank you again

12 - Quasar



Not sure what you want tbh. 

You want to filter on [quarter] right? 

But you want it fixed so that you can choose if it uses either the previous quarter to compare or the selected quarter? 

I'm a bit dumb so an easy example will do :-).


If your input is the same than i would suggest making the whole workflow a macro (so you can easily reuse it in other workflows) OR stack all those files into one incoming datastream. 

8 - Asteroid


i already have a workflow with the macro to select qtd or ytd, but my issue right now is: 


1. i am in Jan month now which is not allowing me to get the data from previous qtr as my current quarter is set as [Quarter] = [Current Quarter] and i am in current quarter which shows the blank data

2. "If your input is the same than i would suggest making the whole workflow a macro (so you can easily reuse it in other workflows) OR stack all those files into one incoming datastream." 

do u have an example to this as my current workflow looks like: 



i am looking a way to create a formula which will give me the latest quarter. for now i have current qtr formula been set as


dont know if i am able to answer your queries. but this is the problem i am facing as before dec 31 the filter was generating the data but now its not as i am in Jan month. i have shared you the file of one of input for your reference


20 - Arcturus

@pokhan27 I calculated the latest quarter based on the date field and applied in the filter tool




8 - Asteroid

hi @binuacs 

Thank you for your response, when i tried to run the workflow the there is an issue with the quarter value as the i am only able to get the value from August month instead of getting the value of Aug+Sep+Oct. 

I am not able to figure out what is the issue with the flow. Please help


i have attached my wf and sample data 

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @pokhan27 


Here is the formula for calculating the previous quarter. Later you can just filter on the previous quarter





If you are looking for something more please provide some input data and expected output.


Hope this helps : )

8 - Asteroid


i want to sum the quarter value, but am only able to add August month instead Aug+Sep+Oct

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @pokhan27 


You groupby on quarter and sum it up like below





Hope this helps : )

Can you provide some sample input and expected output It will help us get a better understanding of the usecase.

We will be happy to help : )
