Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Delete a column

5 - Atom

Hello, I just want to delete a column. I clicked on the select tool and unchecked the columns I want to delete. However, it's still in the input file. The exercise asks us to remove these two columns. How do I ensure that these columns don't show up in my final state file? TIA

17 - Castor

Hi @Ekenem 


The select tool won't change your input. Review the output anchor of the select tool to confirm that the columns are no longer in the dataset. 

17 - Castor

@Ekenem removing fields in a Select tool won't write back to the original file to fully remove them from there (unless you overwrite this in the output). However, it does remove the columns downstream of the Select tool. You can see them disappear as you switch from the Input/Output tab i.e. showing the state of the data before and after passing through your Select tool. Therefore, if you Output the data after this, the two removed columns won't be in that new file:


Select Output.pngSelect Input.png

5 - Atom

Thanks, that helps

5 - Atom

Thanks, the columns are no longer in the output. Thanks a lot Luke
