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Date value become Null issue

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,  


I tried to convert the date data type from "V-string" to "Date" in select tool, but failed. sample below.


Date Data Type: V-String

Bug Refernce1.PNG

Date Data Type: Date

Bug Refernce2.PNG

Seeking your kind help to fix it to do the data type switching. Thank you


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @k3pineapple a date in Alteryx can only be YYYY-MM-DD format you will need to use the Date time tool or a formula to parse your dates into that format for it to be a date format. Using Datetimeparse(Your field,"%Y/%m/%d") in a formula tool will work.




8 - Asteroid

@JosephSerpis thx Joseph, my output is required to be such format with "/", is it possible?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @k3pineapple yes any other format other than YYYY-MM-DD will then have to be a string in Alteryx. As I mentioned you need to parse your date into a YYYY-MM-DD format if you want to utlise any datetime functionality within Alteryx. Then you would need to use a the datetime tool or a formula called datetimeformat to get your date into the desired format such as having YYYY/MM/DD . 

14 - Magnetar

Hi, @k3pineapple 


1- If you want to output field type as date, then you can only get date format as 'YYYY-mm-dd' like '2023-06-02'

DateTimeParse([_CurrentField_], '%Y/%m/%d')


2- If you want to output field format as 'YYYY/mm/dd', then you can only get field type as '*String' like '2023/06/02'


8 - Asteroid

@JosephSerpis thx, seems like, im a little over-think here, if data type is date, YYYY-MM-DD in alteryx will auto converted to YYYY/MM/DD in excel 
