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Data filter without editing workflow.


Hi All,


Hope everyone are safe and healthy!!!


I am working on some project and I am stuck at some point. So I need to give a option to user to select year and months for further testing. I can do it within workflow and ask user to edit formula every time. But I don't want to do so.

For instance, I need to run this workflow every month. So now I need June 2019 - May 2020. and next month July 2019 - June 2020.

After this filter further testing is done. so this should be an option in between the workflow. Say I get a pop up to select year/years and months.


Thanks in advance.


Hi @sachinsg, in this case you need to create an app.Try this if it helps.





Sapna Gupta
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You can create an app that allows the user to select the start date and end date, like below (example attached)




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Alternatively, if the period is always consistent, you can build a filter based on today's date, like this. Then there is no user input required.





Hi DavidP


Period is not consistent. Period keeps increasing. But for testing purpose I will need very specific period data. I mean specific year and months.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @sachinsg,


With consistent I meant, something you can write into a formula, such as:


for this month: Jun 2019 to May 2020

for next month: Jul 2019 to Jun 2020

and so on...


the formula for this would be (current date - 13 months)  to (current date - 2 months)


That's what I tried to show. If the period is not predictable like that, you're back to getting the user to input the start and end date, as in my 1st example.


Looking at the image, this should work for me. But unfortunately my firm has provided 2018.4 version still. So I am not able to access the workflow as it was built in latest version.


Hi @grazitti_sapna, Thanks for the response. This is what I was looking for. But unfortunately my firm has provided 2018.4 version still. So I am not able to access the workflow as it was built in latest version. 😞

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Try this version.


You can usually take a workflow from a newer version, open it in a text editor like notepad and edit the 2nd line to change the version to what you need it to be.



Thanks for helping me learn how to change the version and see the workflow. I am able to open the analytical app. But, Like I mentioned I need to add further steps for my testing once the user selects the months. This should be in between my workflow once I select input and the user has to chose the months and then workflow should have further testing.


So how do I edit this app? I am not getting any edit options to "data range selector".
