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Data Comparison

5 - Atom

Hello everyone!


My aunt is a computer science teacher and I am trying to help her create a workflow to make grading easier. She has a set Excel sheet with the right answers and an Excel sheet someone else has typed with potential errors (spelling, additional period, rows missing, etc.). These sheets are all in the same format (column headers). The Excel sheet has 30 columns so checking each column individually is a hassle. I am wondering if there is a way to have it check for differences in a second document while comparing it to the first and tell you what they are. I have samples below if it helps clarify but any help would be appreciated. 


Answer Key:

NameStreetStateZipFavorite Color
Buzz Lightyear234 Toy Story RoadMI54635Purple
Muffin Man7565 Drewry Ln.CA75647Brown
Elmo Red6574 Sasame St.VA65746Red


With Errors:

NameStreetStateZipFavorite Color
Buz Lightyear234 Toy Story RoadMI54635Purple
Muffin Man7565 Drewry Ln..CA75647Brown
Cookie Monster6574 Sasame St.VA65746Blue
11 - Bolide

@Allison10x here is a workflow that might do what you requested if I understood correctly :)


the "Evaluation" should probably be changed to something more professional, haha


Allison10x grading help.PNG

5 - Atom

Thank you dwstada! I will look into your solution.


12 - Quasar

@dwstada Here is another approach.



11 - Bolide

@Allison10x my first workflow did not factor in missing rows, so here is an updated version


Allison10x grading help.PNG

5 - Atom

This worked perfectly with some tweaking for the specific data set thank you! The students are still in elementary school otherwise I think she would make it very professional, she is just trying to introduce them to Excel in a fun way!
