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Creating a Drill Down Table Structure in Alteryx

8 - Asteroid



I am new to Alteryx and just started learning it. I am trying to build a Drill Down Table Structure in Tableau through following below link:


I successfully built it in Tableau but I am facing few but important limitation challenges in Tableau. So thinking if I can build an Alteryx workflow for the same which could help me in overcoming my challenges. The only difference between above information and my visualization is that I have textual data which like paragraphs. This data is shown in Quarterly manner which means I have different quarter columns instead of one single column in the paper.


Also, there can be a situation that my Level 3 could have more than one paragraph. I want to be able to give conditional color formatting to my paragraphs in a single cell.

Secondly, I need to attach few symbols at the start of my paragraph in Tableau

Lastly, I need my cells to have fit width capability so then long paragraphs would have bigger space as compared to others


can someone please help me in knowing if this is possible with the help of Alteryx and please guide me in building a workflow?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

That is dependent on Tableau's interface as a dashboarding tool. It takes in data and sets a hierarchy based on the dimensions. The level of detail feature is something only a dashboard can do if you wish to interact with it.


If you wish to create something static on Alteryx, that's possible. Other than that, I don't think your request is possible at this moment.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

Thank you for looking into this, I can understand this type of functionality can be only done in dashboard part but can we at least do something which will help me in overcoming the limitations that I have been facing in Tableau?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

In that case, you are using Alteryx to ETL before egressing it to Tableau. Okay, you can change the Quarters to be unified into 1 group, thereby allowing you to group them all together if you wish.


If you can provide some sample data and your expected output, that would be most useful.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

Apologies, I am not allowed to upload anything from my system. Not even a sample superstore data by Tableau. If you can please try to make out of something which is given in that link, I am simply trying to create a similar structure but the only difference is that they used quarters as horizontal hierarchy levels but I have String data type levels and at level 3, my infomration should be displayed. Like they used one column (Sales) as the value, I will be again using textual paragraphs in Quarterly manner in columns. For example, at Level 3 and q1, my datacould have one paragraph or multiple paragraph.


Can you please help me with this? I can answer as many questions as you have to understand data. Your guidance would be really helpful to me in achieving my goal.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Let me see what I can do tomorrow when I am free. It’s getting late here but from what you explained, you’re looking to group them all to get your values of choice so that it’s easier to build on tableau for words. 

I’m sure you can upload the superstore data. That belongs to Tableau’s sample data sets - you can create a custom expected output in excel to explain to us better.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

Thank you and I tried to do the same, designed a prototype in Sample Superstore data set but my system didn't allow it to upload. Your help and guidance will be really helpful.

8 - Asteroid

Hello @caltang 

Hope you're doing well..!!


I tried to create a sample desired out on Excel taking reference from "Sample-Superstore" data. I don't have a Tableau machine on my personal system and so I used Excel to design a layout of what I really need. Below is the description:


I have to create a drill down functionality in Table using Tableau. I was able to do that successfully and the sample output can be referred from below link: 


The Drill down is working well but I need an added functionality in my view which I have explained below:


So as per my view, my levels are Category, Sub-Category and Product, these columns can be referred from Sample-Superstore Data. Here, I have "statements" whenever I drill down to Product level and the values are shown in Quarterly manner. My problem is,


  1. in a single quarter and for one product, I can have multiple Statements. Therefore I need a view like shown in image 1 in the attachment:

Here, for Product 1.2 and Product 2.5, I need multiple cells against one single cell

2. second problem is that, I need my different cells to be colored differently as shown above and I have a field called "Flag no." and basis that I can do conditional formatting

so, if my Statement has flag n, it should be colored in a particular manner only


These different colors against Product are shown in the image only.


I don't have Tableau Desktop in my personal machine and that's why I have attached a sample layout in Excel only. Data reference can be taken from Sample-Superstore data.


Can you please help me in designing a workflow which will give me an output in Tableau which will help me to design something like that?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I'll look into it. Anyway, I've attached the Sample Superstore data here. Is it this one? @jerry239 



Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

Hello @caltang 


Thank you for looking into it and yes this is the sample-superstore file and I used 'Orders' tab.
