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Count workflow

7 - Meteor



could someone please help me with my workflow? I have created a workflow, but I am not getting the desired results. Why doesn't the tool Formula in the column Check give a final count 6, instead of 2? Where is the issue? In the Key column, I have 6 identical results, is maybe the problem in the Data Type? 


Worklow and Excel attached. 



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @denisstravs 


In your workflow, you use the expression CountWords([Reference]). According to this article, CountWords() returns the count of words in the specified string. Words are defined by characters separated by a space.





In your Reference field, there are two sets of characters separated by a space which is why the Check expression is resulting in a 2.

13 - Pulsar



I don't understand what you want to calculate.
you have 6 records that came from excel.
in the formula you calculate the number of words,

what do you really want

7 - Meteor

Hi, hmmm, okay, so this is totally wrong. I would like to calculate the total value of the identical keys. In this case, I expect in the column Check to show a total value of 6, since I have 6 identical keys. How can I generate this formula?


16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula



Try using the Summarize tool, adding a Group By & Count on your Key field. 

8 - Asteroid

You could add a Summarize tool where you group by Key and count Key. That would give 6. You could then append/join that back to the records. If you just need to see how many identical keys, then no need to join it back.

13 - Pulsar





8 - Asteroid


I would also add a group by Key and move it to the top. That way if you have multiple unique keys you get a count for each.
