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Converting API_DoQuery XML Date value to Date/Time in Alteryx

6 - Meteoroid

Hello!  I have been all over searching my issue and have yet to come across a solution.  So I am hoping that someone here has had this same issue and found a resolution. 😊


I am currently trying to pull data from a QuickBase Table using the API_DoQuery Call.  I was successful in getting the Call to download and then convert using the XML Parse tool.  However the Date and Date/Time fields I have in the QuickBase Table are not coming through correctly.  It looks as if the API call has converted the data into possibly milliseconds?  But I have not been able to convert that back into a Date or Date/Time value in Alteryx.  I have tried the Date/Time Tool and Formulas for Format and Parse.  No Luck!


Has anyone else come across this issue before?






20 - Arcturus

@mwolffe one way of converting the given milliseconds to date


