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Connect gallery via API by Python

7 - Meteor

Hi everyone,

I already managed to run flows, download and monitor, via API by Python, but what I want now is to download a list of all schedules from the gallery (with the name of the flow and the name of the creator), would anyone have a tip for this ?


Thanks in advance

16 - Nebula



If you already worked with the Gallery API, this will probably be easy. There is an endpoint specifically designed to create/update/delete/get information of schedules:


GET {baseURL}/v3/schedules

Schedules Endpoints | Alteryx Help

7 - Meteor

Hi @Felipe_Ribeir0 

At first I thought it would be just using this endpoint, but there were complications, like not bringing the name of the creator or the name of the flow. What I did was use this endpoint, use the workflows list endpoint, and the users endpoint, all in json. Then make a flow in alteryx that put everything together based on the "id's" and it worked!!
