Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Comparing data from two sets and highlighting the cells that fail to match

8 - Asteroid

I have attached my sample workflow.


I have two transaction file that I union together and then join it with the contracts file and set the join on several different fields so that only the ones with matches in every field will be shown. For the ones that fail to match in every field what I would like to do is highlight the cells that are the reason that they fail to match. 


Any help on this would be appreciated.

If further explanation is needed please feel free to ask.

13 - Pulsar



How do you want to highlight these cells? With colors?

8 - Asteroid

Yes I was hoping to do the ones that fail to match as red and the correct ones as green.



8 - Asteroid

Please see the workflow attached. Keep in mind, this is going to compare each Transaction IDs against all Contract IDs. The tricky part was highlighting the cells, I added an extra space to the value for the given Transaction ID field and used a Column Formula in the Table tool to perform the highlighting.



