Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Can I set a default cache on a container, or anything other than a data connection?

8 - Asteroid

I love the ability to set a default cache on a database connection. I would like the ability to set a default cache on other functions, such as containers, selects, etc. 


Reason being, I often have to rerun scripts. Part of my script may contain a fuzzy match for example, which takes a long time to run. Would be great to cache the calculation by default, so it functions like a cached db connection. 


Is this possible? 

22 - Nova
22 - Nova
8 - Asteroid

not sure that has what i was looking for. In a data source connection, there is a checkbox that automates caching when run. Not manually each time. Wondering about a similar default for other functions. Did i miss it in that article somehow?
