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Avoid columns duplicated with Find Replace tool with excel many sheets?

7 - Meteor



I used Find Replace tool to compare a new report with one historic report (it is weekly) and complete the column 'comments' with previous comments. However I only see the possibility to append.

There would be other way to replace and mantain one single column 'comments'? 


In the example I get to complete the comment for watermelon, but it is in 'WeekComment2'. Would be possible write it in 'WeekComent'?


I work with an excel file with 15 worksheets.


Thank you






12 - Quasar

@Charcho - you should zip your yxmd and inputs together before adding them to the Community so you dont expose your file paths which can contain your computer username, etc.  If the inputs are located in the same place as the workflow you dont need to provide a path at all in the inputs, just the "FileName".yxdb or "FileName".xlsx, etc.


That being said, you can transpose the comment data, grouping on the fruit name, filter out any empty ones then use the summarize tool to concatenate them together.


I used a sample input from the Select Tool example in Designer just to show what I am talking about.  Hope this helps.







12 - Quasar

export workflow.png

 To zip your workflow, go to options >export workflow and follow the instructions.  

12 - Quasar

If you want to avoid duplication of the same comment over and over again, you can drop in a Unique Tool before the Summarize so it will only pass one instance of each identical comment.  You will need to play with that one to make sure you are grouping correctly based on the different columns you actually have in your data.

7 - Meteor

Thank you very much @DanielG 

12 - Quasar

No problem.  :)
